Trump argues that the habit of sleeping four hours per night does not affect his ability pigglety

Washington (the Borowitz Reports) — Early Wednesday morning, 31 may, Donald trump tweeted that his habit of sleeping only four hours a day has no effect on his ability pigglety.

Trump, who often boasted of his high performance during the election campaign of 2016, tweeted that despite the grueling work schedule of the President, he still is a huge reserve of stamina, which he called “vynoslivost”.

In the morning he has fallen with criticism to the reporter, doubting that he meets his post, calling his article “pacotes%(™”.

According to representatives of the White house, despite all the requests of the legal Department of the White house to remove his Twitter feed, trump plans to continue tweeting, and the Minister of education Betsy DeVos (Betsy DeVos) will continue to check the spelling in his tweets.

