How not to fall for the bait scams: tips banker to secure a loan

In Ukraine increasingly found “attractive” is with suggestions for a few minutes to get a cash loan of any amount without references and with huge discount. Gullible Ukrainians in such cases are often easy prey for credit scams. For example, the scammers promise to give credit for the so-called insurance premium. The client makes the first payment, and the loan never gets. Other scammers promise a significant amount for the “rollback” and even forge the necessary information. The website “Today” has found how the Ukrainians safe to get a loan and not to fall into the trap of scammers.

One of the common fraud schemes allegedly mediation services. The attackers leave the request for the loan online at financial institutions. Everyone can do this. Client call back from the Bank and issue the credit cash according to the ordinary procedure is exactly the same if he went to the Bank himself. The con artists then “knock out” from the client fee for their “services”.

To understand how to avoid becoming a victim of one of the fraudulent schemes we have addressed to the Chairman of the Board of First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) Sergey Chernenko. Many Ukrainians he is familiar in the weekly program “the people’s banker” on TV channel “Ukraine”, which give financial advice and help to understand the banking processes.

“Anyone who wants to take credit, who should know – the Bank is not working with intermediaries. And especially – does not charge for the paperwork or application,” – says the expert.

Sergey Chernenko advises not to use the services of dubious organizations, because participation in such a scheme – the risk of losing confidence in the future denial of credit. Much safer to issue a loan in the Bank, especially the loan application process is so simple that no intermediary is not needed for this.

“The credit cash in Bank with your passport and code can execute and issue just over an hour. With no hidden interest. Also the client will show clearly how much it needs to pay for its maintenance,” advises “people’s banker”.

By the way, most Ukrainians take cash from 10 to 15 thousand hryvnia. The maximum amount that can be issued without income certificate – 50 thousand hryvnias.

The program “people’s banker” on Tuesdays at TRK “Ukraine”. Want to become the hero of the story? Ask us a question on

PJSC “FUIB”. Us ViDi banksky of the hotel. Bankseta Board of the NBU No. 8 from 06.10.2011 R. General Board of NBU № 8-2 from 12.02.2015 R.

