The conflict in Eastern Ukraine concerns the whole Europe, said the foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel.
“Sometimes the Germans the impression that it (the conflict in the Donbas – Ed.) occurs on the periphery of Europe. And it all happens almost in the center of Europe. Moreover, these events affect not only Ukraine and Donbas – they affect us all in Europe because we see how fragile the world to which we have become accustomed. So what we’re doing to support the peace process is not charity. It concerns our security, our ideas about living together in Europe people shared nationality”, – said the head of the German foreign Ministry at a press conference Thursday in Kiev.
Gabriel noted that during negotiations in Kiev, he discussed with Pavlo Klimkin, the possibility of achieving a stable ceasefire in Donbass.
As you know, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has held a meeting with Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany Sigmar Garbriel, which is located in Ukraine on your first visit.
“The parties discussed the worsening situation in the vicinity of the Town caused by shelling by Russian militants. The President noted the importance of maintaining sanctions against Russia and to strengthen them. The head of state stressed that the militants provoked a new escalation of violence in the Donbas, the recognition of the documents of the so-called “LNR” and “DNR”, the assignment of Ukrainian companies is another evidence of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and require the use of tools new sanctions from the EU”, – stated in the message of administration of the President.