Montenegro’s membership in NATO is not a betrayal of Russia and the crown of the way to the West

Today, NATO is an Association of the most developed countries in the world that protects common values and open to everyone who shares those values. We should ask this question: should Montenegro continue to be neutral and fictional myths, like the Slavic brotherhood, to refuse a guaranteed prosperity and stability? Membership in NATO is a potentially dangerous choice between the two world powers. It’s not a betrayal of Russia, but only the crown of the Montenegrin path to the West.

After all, Montenegro, caring about the harmony between different Nations in its territory and respecting the principles of democracy and the rule of law, aiming to establish itself as a modern Western state which is obliged to find ways of ensuring yourself high quality and economical protection. If we take into account only the last two criteria, then all is simple: the security system must correspond to the economic development of the country and at the same time to be effective.

Joining the North Atlantic collective security system, Montenegro will receive such protection, and in addition, it ensures those who are on our civilizational level. And if you consider that NATO embodies the values to which our young state aspires, and defends them in the name of stability as the basis of prosperity, then the dilemma of Montenegro on the choice of registered this Association as their strategic support will just disappear by itself.

The goal is integration into the Western community

The goal of Montenegro to integrate into the Western community, which is so serious that it can be considered a conditio sine qua non (necessary condition) the overall development of the country, now estimated from the point of view of how serious the consequences may entail the implementation of one crucial part of this plan. If you recall the events of the past two months, it seems that the NATO membership some consider as an act of Montenegro, directed against Russia, its traditional ally, and therefore as a betrayal of its historical obligation to always navigate to the East. However, conceiving the political community in Montenegro, at least for now, does not respond to this veiled invitation, as it seems, a dangerous tango that dances in the Western Balkans.

A the likelihood that Montenegro will soon become the 29th member of the Alliance, has long been causing outrage among opponents of accession, but also great enthusiasm among supporters. This is a historic crossroads, which turned out to be a small Balkan state, of course, attracted the attention of the world on that special moment when it is obvious the conflict of East and West, areas of interest, geopolitical intricacies and the struggle between powerful forces. In the Montenegrin society is a difficult discussion, which hinders the institutions that wish to cross the Rubicon and connect with the Western world.

Problems with Russia

The main arguments against the idea of NATO membership, including based on the fears associated allegedly with the “transition to the other side”, and on the willingness of our small country to stay out of the confrontation between Russia and the West. All of this is based on the idea of neutrality, which, as an alternative that distracts attention from what is still (since independence), as you know, Montenegro needed most. Talking about how to anchor in the “Harbor” that guarantees our country’s security at the highest level. And yet, ignoring the fact that membership in a military Alliance such as NATO, would satisfy this basic need of society, the proponents of neutrality are the reasons for which Montenegro, even incurring large costs, unaffordable for our economy, should remain faithful to Russia.

Often in public debate, which is conducted in Montenegro on NATO, as the main thesis uses the concept of the confrontation of East and West. As a rule, resorted to it, those politicians who feel the need to explain to the Montenegrin society: there is an obligation to remain loyal to Russia. In this sense, the membership in the Alliance would mark a change of historical course of our country, has long been associated with the East. This educational mission receives support from the highest authority of the Russian Federation, mainly taking the form of accusations of Montenegro to the betrayal.

Citizens for election was supported by Western

From the citizens themselves, who in the last election the majority of votes have supported the political factors contributing to the NATO membership, the impression that developed this geopolitical struggle for Montenegro, and they are encouraged to choose no more, no less one of the two proposed parties. But if we turn to reality, that this view will not find it in evidence, because the only credible response to the main need of our country, safeguarding its borders and values, comes from the West and is in the form of interstate agreements. On the other hand, Moscow reminders of our obligation to remain in her possession accompanied with one only empty propaganda rhetoric and appeals to love Slavic brothers and sympathize with them.

That is Montenegro, taking care of harmony between different Nations in its territory and respecting the principles of democracy and the rule of law, aiming to establish itself as a modern Western state which is obliged to find ways of ensuring a high quality and cost effective military protection. If we consider only the last two criteria, then all is very simple: the security system must correspond to the economic development of the country and at the same time must be effective. Joining the North Atlantic collective security system, Montenegro will receive such protection, and in addition, it ensures those who are on our civilizational level. And if you consider that NATO embodies the values to which our young state aspires, and defends them in the name of stability as the basis of prosperity, then the dilemma of Montenegro on the choice of registered this Association as their strategic support will just disappear by itself.

The West or Russia

The question that arises in the background of this process is this: if there really is two options, of which Montenegro can choose (the West or Russia)? Whether NATO membership will mark the final choice of one of these conflicting parties, or this choice is the result of the natural process of development of the Montenegrin society? The answer, of course, is associated with the criticism of the old model searches for his place in the relations of the powers with what is actually joining NATO.

From the point of view of the Alliance’s relationship with Russia the current situation cannot and should not be viewed through the prism of antagonism, which in the last century. The victory of the Western values system, which in the foreground makes the person and his fundamental rights, and that “adopting” other companies, led to the fact that today there are no two different views of man as a citizen. That is, the citizen is the winner in the struggle for a free society, free from any ideals except one — the culture of fundamental rights of the citizen as an individual. Montenegrin citizens do not deserve that they should be guaranteed the same due to join the Alliance, which is to protect these rights. Therefore, citizens should be clear that there is no crossroads between Russia and the West (in the ideological sense) actually exists.

The fear of joining NATO will disappear if we remember that today, the Alliance is an Association of the most developed societies in the world that protects common values and open to everyone who shares those values. We should ask this question: should Montenegro to remain neutral and continue and fictional myths, like the Slavic brotherhood, to refuse a guaranteed prosperity and stability? Membership in NATO is a potentially dangerous choice between the two world powers. It’s not a betrayal of Russia, but only the crown of the Montenegrin path to the West.

Solidarity and cooperation

The conclusion is that we cannot compare the reasons for the creation of NATO, 9 April 1949, and the circumstances that were brought to him so that today we see with our own eyes. The world today requires the most powerful States and the most powerful unions, which is also the maximum responsibility, solidarity and cooperation in the establishment of peaceful conditions of life on the planet. Peace and stability are the most large and powerful guarantors of normal development. All that defends and aspires to Montenegro, namely: sustainable development and stability based on respect for human rights, multi-ethnicity, democracy and peace — is also the values that underpin the Euro-Atlantic Union. The NATO mission, as well as Montenegro, within its capabilities and powers as a member of a similar Association is to protect and preserve these values. If Montenegro joins NATO, then who is on this path that will ensure its vital national interests, it may bring? Brave to cross the Rubicon is the only possible choice that will benefit Montenegro, its stability and development and therefore, ultimately, and the entire region. The die is cast!

