In India, the guy died after kissing a Cobra

18-year-old resident of the Indian city of Navi Mumbai Somnath Mhatre died after a poisonous Cobra bit him in the chest when the young man tried to kiss a predatory reptile.

The doctors fought for his life for five days, reports India Today.

Somnath Mhatre pulled a snake out of a parked car, where she crawled through the open window.

The young man feared that the Cobra will be stuck in the car and die.

The young man took the snake and decided to get a photo. When Mhatre tried to kiss a reptile for a spectacular picture, it bit him in the chest.

Indian animal rights activists have reported that during the work in local environmental service Mhatre rescued nearly 100 snakes.

Earlier it was reported that in Texas, an 18-year-old grant Thompson died from the bite of a Cobra, which he himself has set.

