Donald trump officially became President of the United States

Billionaire Donald trump has officially entered a post of the President of the United States. During the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Supreme court of the United States led the winner of the presidential election is sworn in at the Capitol building.

In honor of the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States sounded a gun salute. Now trump together with its predecessor, Barack Obama went to the White house, where will take the parade in his honor.

The ceremony was ignored by dozens of congressmen representing the Democratic party of the United States. The conservative candidate, Hillary Clinton lost to Republican Trump presidential elections.

During the inauguration in Washington, riots broke out in protest against the entry of the trump position. Some of the protesters blocked some of the approaches to the places where the ceremony is held.

In addition, about 150 opponents of the tramp, dressed in black, with masks, marched through the city, smashing shop Windows and car Windows and overturning trash cans. Some of them were hiding their faces under masks.

The city stepped up security measures. Around the place of ceremony on duty police equipment intended for suppression of mass riots. Russian service Bi-bi-si is an online broadcast.

Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States according to the results of voting held in November. For many, the election results came as a surprise.

Trump during the election campaign was criticized for controversial statements, which many considered racist and sexist. In addition, trump was accused of excessive sympathy for Russia and its President Vladimir Putin.

After winning the election, trump delivered a speech, rhetoric which was much softer campaign. He called on US citizens to unite and to return the country to greatness.


