TOP 9 hallmarks of successful startups

At the moment there are so many IT startups, but few of them have become multimillion-dollar companies. After analyzing 200 companies with varying degrees of success, the experts came to the conclusion that the really successful startups there are nine important differences, write “News.Economy.”

1. A happy coincidence

Besides the fact that at the heart of every start-up should be a good idea, it is also important to be at the right time and in the right place. The most successful startup founders were always at the right time and in the right place, even despite the fact that the ideas they promoted, often born early, even before the founders realized that the time had come.

2. Proper motivation

The founders of most successful startups never strive to be super-rich or super-cool. They are always fanatically interested in the fact that they want to develop.

3. To think about something more

The Council is very simple – think about what you would like to have, what’s missing and to expect that other people will too. The idea behind every startup may initially not seem the global. So, Airbnb started with the rental of mattresses and was one of the largest and most successful startups. Need to find something that many people want to pay, or whatever people want to pay a lot of money.

4. To do something simple

Every startup needs to be such that it can be described in one sentence. So, Facebook is a network for friends, and Uber is a service that provides cars on demand.

5. Be prepared to work on a dubious idea

Often the ideas that appear about startups, someone may not seem the best for business development. Someone might even say that this business is doomed to failure. However, startup founders need to know clearly what they do and believe in success.

6. Don’t be afraid of global ideas

The fear of global ideas often hinders people to start a business and turn it into a business of his life. A lot of time and effort it would take to turn a small business into a global company, so many people are even afraid to start believing that the game is not worth the candle.

7. Be vigorous and hardy

Sometimes it’s hard to say how energetic the person is, if it works at work where you should head. However, it is quite another thing when a person works on himself and to realize their ideas. Many founders of successful startups are amazingly stamina and efficiency.

8. Consider this your entire life

When it comes to the really large and successful startups, the founders are focused on their company he worked for as long as possible. They consider it the business of his life. They do not plan to get rich quick, and systematically develop the company, despite the UPS and downs.

9. Get ready to become a Manager

To create cool things and to control people – it’s a different kind of work, and they require completely different skills. So most people can’t simultaneously do both. But to build a multimillion-dollar business, you must be prepared for the fact that at some point you have to take the position of Manager.Few who can do both work equally well, but the creators of major start-UPS studied and developed his skills that ultimately led to success.

