13 habits that harm the heart: how to avoid danger

Western doctors have made 13 factors, is bad for the heart, and the same advice on how to help our “fiery motor”, writes newsyou.info.

1. A sedentary lifestyle

Long hours sitting at a computer or watching television increases the risk of heart attack and stroke even if you exercise regularly.

“Your cameo classes do not compensate for the time you spend stationary,” says harmony R. Reynolds, MD, Deputy Director of the Center for cardiovascular clinical research the medical center Langon in new York.

A sedentary lifestyle is bad for the fat levels and blood sugar. So, even if you have to sit, try to periodically get up and walk around, for example when talking on the phone.

2. Suppression of stress, aggressiveness or irritation

If you are a long time experience negative emotions, but cannot Express or Express, it falls heavily on the heart.

“Those who suppress stress for a long period of time, expose themselves to danger. Studies show that the ability to laugh heartily and maintain friendships, enjoy social and family support are beneficial to heart health,” says Dr. Reynolds.

3. Ignoring snoring

Snoring is often the subject of jokes, but actually it can be a serious signal. For example, obstructive sleep apnea (temporarily stopping of breathing during sleep, which can cause increased pressure) significantly increases the risk of heart disease.

In America it is estimated that more than 18 million American adults have sleep apnea. This especially affects people suffering from overweight or obesity.

If you snore and often Wake up in a broken state, it is better to consult with your doctor. “There are easier ways to detect apnea and successful treatment,” says Robert Ostfeld, a cardiologist and Director of preventive cardiology at Montefiore Health System in new York.

4. The lack of hygiene of the oral cavity

Medicine still do not know why, but absolutely sure: there is a clear link between gum disease and heart problems.

If you do not clean the interdental space (e.g. with dental floss), there accumulate bacteria, which then moves into the internal organs and cause inflammation.

“Inflammation contributes to atherosclerosis,” says Dr. Ostfeld. Therefore, if you have gum disease, it is necessary to deal with them — it can improve the function of blood vessels.

5. Syndrome of the day

This is when you over the weekend trying to catch up on everything that did not have time during the working week.

“I see that a lot of people aged 40-50 years rush to play sports, get injured, and then cease to do,” says Judith S. Hohmann, MD, Director of the Center for cardiovascular clinical research Medical center in Laguna.

The most useful physical exercises is regular and consistent. A little every day than several hours once a week. Tune in to long distance.

6. Alcohol abuse

Yes, studies have proven that a small amount of alcohol can be good for your heart. But we emphasize: small — that is, a day not more than one “drink” (glass of wine) for women and two “drinks” for men.

7. Overeating

The main cause of heart disease — overweight, and in America, for example, it affects 72% of men and 64% of women (or even obese).

Avoid large portions, and replace sugary drinks with water, reduce the consumption of high-calorie dishes, and also keep in mind that products labeled “low fat” often contain a lot of calories.

8. The lack of control over pressure and cholesterol

Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, claim more lives than any other disease, including cancer. You need to know and keep under control your blood pressure and cholesterol readings blood sugar and weight. If they are elevated, you run the risk of becoming a victim of the so-called “silent killers” — heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

“If you had high pressure in 24 years, this does not mean that you will not be in 54,” says Dr. Ostfeld.

If you are prescribed pills, you need to accept them. Yes, there may be side effects. But now there are about 30 types of drugs for high blood pressure, so you can choose the right.

9. Passion red meat

It is best to eat red meat as a rare treat. And not to put together a daily diet.

High in saturated fat, and intense thermal processing (e.g. roasting), — all this increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Ideally, only 10% of your diet should be of animal origin, said Dr. Ostfeld.
“If you eat steak a few times a month, it’s all right. The problem starts if you eat it three times a day,” says Dr. Hohmann.

10. Smoking or living together with a smoker

Another trivial idea, but without it in any way: do not smoke. “Smoking is a total disaster for your heart, says Dr. Ostfeld. — Smoking promotes the formation of blood clots that can block blood flow to the heart and leads to the accumulation of plaques in the arteries.

But not only that, you endanger yourself and those who live near you, risking their lives. In the United States each year approximately 46,000 nonsmokers who live with smokers die from heart disease due to passive Smoking.

11. In the absence of dietary fruits and vegetables

“The healthiest diet for the heart diet is plant-based,” says Dr. Ostfeld. To lean on fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains.

The latest recommendations of nutritionists — half of each meal should consist of fruits and vegetables.

Studies have shown that people who eat more than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day have 20% less risk of heart disease and stroke than people who ate less than three servings per day.

12. Ignoring physical symptoms

If you’ve ever held up three flights of stairs without problems, but suddenly you have stopped breathing half way through or squeezed the breast — it’s time to go to the doctor.

The sooner you begin treatment, the less damage will cause the heart muscle. “It is better that it was much ADO about nothing. Than you will for six hours to experience a heart attack — and this often happens,” says Dr. Ostfeld.

13. Excess salt

The more salt you consume, the higher your blood pressure. Every third adult person it is tall, and is the main risk factor for stroke, kidney failure and heart attack.

“Refrain from unhealthy snacks and go around departments of a supermarket, where packages of salted nuts, etc.,” says Dr. Ostfeld.

Most of us should keep sodium intake to below 2300 mg per day. If you have high blood pressure, reduce up to 1500 mg.


