Documents of Churchill’s doubts about the territorial claims of Russia; the U.S. also does not recognize a secret agreement

Was discovered personal papers of Churchill, showing that he was critical of the Yalta secret agreement, which was signed by heads of USA, UK and USSR. The documents were compiled in 1953, eight years after the signing of the secret agreement. Shortly before the U.S. President was Dwight D. Eisenhower (Dwight Eisenhower), who refused to accept a secret agreement. It seems that Prime Minister Churchill, who led Britain during the period of transition from the Second world war to the cold war with the Soviet Union, may cause serious resonance.

In accordance with the letter of Churchill, which he sent to the Minister for foreign Affairs of great Britain Anthony Eden (Anthony Eden) 22 Feb 1953, in February 1945 during the Yalta conference, the British Prime Minister relied on U.S. military strategy in the Asia-Pacific region was out of discussion with leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States secret agreement.

However, in accordance with the report of the American Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman (Averell Harriman), when it was reached a secret agreement, Prime Minister Churchill himself wanted to sign the document, which he did on the last day of the conference. It is assumed that the goal was to ensure that the interests of great Britain in the far East.

Eight years after that, in February 1953, during his speech, President Eisenhower said that he would not allow the enslavement of the various peoples of the Communist Soviet Union and other States. Thus, he expressed his position, which was that he does not recognize the validity of the Yalta agreement and other secret agreements with other countries. It was after that Prime Minister Churchill recorded on paper their desire to distance themselves from secret agreements.

The Putin administration constantly repeats that the “Northern territories” and Russia moved according to the results of the Second world war. Discovered documents indicate the possibility that the Prime Minister himself, Churchill doubted the Yalta secret agreement, which is one of the powerful arguments of the Russian side.

The opinion of Professor Kyoto University Terumasa Nakanishi: apology for historical error

British Prime Minister Churchill attended the Yalta conference as the leader of one of the three powers. Against his will, Stalin and President Roosevelt violated the Atlantic Charter and the principle of non-expansion of territories prescribed in the Cairo Declaration. Apparently Churchill wanted to justify and apologize for its historical mistake, which was the transfer of territories.

This means that Churchill doubted the fairness of the secret agreement. He signed this document to protect the interests of their country in Asia, however, it becomes apparent that actually the UK has supported the position of the Eisenhower administration, which refused to accept a secret agreement. In this regard, the Russian side, based on the Yalta agreement, may be grounds for sovereignty over the “Northern territories”.

