Will call you back: TOP 6 common mistakes when looking for work

Job search – the process is important and which should be integrated. It can also take much of your time before you will find what you are looking for.

But this process has become more productive, avoid the six common mistakes that applicants make, warns rabota.ua.

1. Same resume for all jobs

Even if you send a resume for the same position, the requirements of jobs in different companies may vary, sometimes greatly. Every employer focuses on those professional skills that are important to him. Consequently, the summary cannot be one at all.

To increase your chances to be invited for an interview, tailor your resume. Carefully read the text of job offers and analyze what the employer is looking for in a new employee. Let’s see how these requirements relate to your professional experience and qualifications and focus on them. Think that your summary may be of interest to a specific employer and distinguish you among other candidates.

2. No cover letter

Many people consider the covering letter unnecessary repetition of the summary. But it is not. A cover letter is your first opportunity to attract the attention of the employer. In it you can more free to talk about your professional skills and experience, to reiterate your strengths, explain how are your professional and personal traits with the requirements of the vacancy. Most importantly, stay concise.

3. Lack of preparation for the interview

In the interview, of course, can be a lot of unusual and unexpected questions. But despite this, the list of questions from HR-s usually typical. Questions “Tell me about yourself”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Why did you leave previous job?” – will likely be performed at the interview. So they can be prepared for in advance.

Think through answers to typical interview questions. This will help you understand, even if the question will sound different but be the same in meaning. In addition, before the interview worth reading and about the company where you are going.

4. Passive approach to “communication channels”

Approach the job search active. Use every opportunity to find work: job site, web site and pages of employers in the social networks, LinkedIn. Tell us what you’re looking for work to their friends. So you will maximize “coverage”, and there is a big chance that you learn about the vacancy before it will be published online.

5. Mood for a sprint, not a marathon

Sometimes the job search process takes a long time, and this affects motivation. Another unpleasant part of the job search is a failure. However, it should be borne in mind that this is an integral part of the process.

  • Also read: TOP 5 common stereotypes that make it difficult to find a good job

Each interview, even an unsuccessful one – more experience. You can perform what you have asked, why the employer asked these questions, how you were ready for them, and to draw conclusions. If you initially be configured that the search for the perfect opportunity – a long process, you psychologically will be much more comfortable to look for work.

6. Unwillingness to demonstrate enthusiasm and interest in work

In addition to professional qualifications, the employer is also interested in how you are interested in this work, motivated, focused on long-term career.

No matter how impressive your resume, don’t forget to show that you are active and willing to contribute to the development of the company. If a potential employer at the interview will show that you’re indifferent to the work, it may push him away, even if your resume and professional portrait will be perfect.

