33-year-old mark Zuckerberg told how to achieve success in Facebook

The founder of social network Facebook mark Zuckerberg was the hero of the latest edition of the podcast Masters of Scale program, the renowned entrepreneur, co-founder of LinkedIn Reid Hoffman in which he associates with successful businessmen about how they developed their companies from scratch and reached heights.

Mark Zuckerberg, who came to the program in the company of colleagues, a member of the Board of Directors of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg and the President of the Board of Directors of Google, Eric Schmidt, revealed details of the workflow in Facebook, reports “New time”.

In particular, Zuckerberg said that he created a corporate culture that encourages risk taking and allows engineers to freely create and test a new version of the software.

“First I find out what tasks are for us potentially important. Then identify the people who could handle these tasks better. Daily most of my decisions are based on the question, “so, this action can lead to the destruction of the company?”. If the answer is “no”, I give their employees a green light,” describes mark Zuckerberg’s work at Facebook.

He also said that the company hire smart and ambitious people, and then give them the freedom for their own experiments. Thus, our platform is constantly evolving, being at different stages of innovation. On the other hand, this constant risk that something will go wrong.

In 2008 for an internship in Facebook, there was a guy named Ben, remembers mark. Trying to check the solution with an error of the website, Ben accidentally deleted the entire Facebook. Later Zuckerberg still hired Ben to work. The entrepreneur believes that mistakes are the path to professional growth, it is better to go through the experience of mistakes than to lost opportunities for innovation.

To succeed in any field, mark Zuckerberg advises “hire their future boss”:

“With the reception staff I adhere to such rule: never hire someone who will work for you if you’re not working for him in an alternate universe. For example, there are things that Sheryl Sandberg’s much stronger than me. And that makes me better and makes a better Facebook. I am not afraid. I appreciate it”, – said the founder of the social network.

