Hellish heat in Japan laid on the bed almost a thousand people

Nearly a thousand people hospitalized for a week because of the heat, established on large areas of Japan, almost half of the victims being over the age of 65 years.

The fire Department of Japan, in charge of the ambulance service, cites data from 15 to 21 may.

See also: Ruthless element: snowfall in Japan, the heat is +50 in Australia

The largest number of victims in Tokyo and in the prefectures of Aichi, Osaka, Hyogo, Saitama and Kanagawa.

According to the main meteorological Agency of Japan, the hot weather will continue in the coming days in most parts of the country.

In connection with the increase in temperature, meteorologists urge people to enjoy the air conditioning and try not to be a long time in the street, and constantly drink water.

