In Belarus, told how will be treat holders of “passports” to “DNR/LNR”

Belarus considers invalid on their territory the documents issued by the so-called “DPR/LPR”. This was stated in the Ministry of internal Affairs of Belarus.

“Donetsk and Lugansk people’s Republic are unrecognized territorial entities, in connection with which the documents issued by the competent authorities of the DNI and LC are also not valid on the territory of the Republic of Belarus”, – said the interior Ministry.

However, said the Agency, the vast majority of citizens, making these documents subject to the presidential decree “On the stay of citizens of Ukraine in the Republic of Belarus”, including “are exempt from the provision of some documents necessary for taking decision on issuance of a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus”.

Thus, said the interior Ministry, “at the entrance to the Republic of Belarus from the territory of the Russian Federation citizens for travel documents, the so-called “DNR” and “LNR”, the internal Affairs authorities at the initial stage is the procedure of identification, then individually, depending on situations, the decision about the possibility of further stay in the Republic of Belarus”.

As reported on 18 February the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing valid identity documents issued by the so-called power of “DNR” and “LNR”.

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the recognition of passports issued by the rebels, is further evidence of the occupation of Donbas by Russia.

