Defined the perfect age difference for couples

Scientists say that the age difference affects the strength of the relationship, and is a reason for divorce. Experts from the University in Atlanta analyzed the difference of age of different pairs and came to the conclusion that the difference is smaller, the longer it will last on their relationship, reports the “Know”.

So according to the statistics, most divorces occur between couples, the age difference which significantly exceed 10 years. They have a chance to leave 95%.

Those whose difference is 5 to 10 years the possibility of divorce is 39%. With five years difference 18% more likely to break off the relationship.

But as peers, according to scientists, these couples were the most durable. The ideal age experts call the age difference of 1 year. And traditionally, the man should be older. Such couples face a divorce with the possibility of 3%.

However, age really is not a reason for divorce, it is affected by many other factors.

Scientists say that the main reasons that severely spoil relations between spouses and lead to the parting – is not constructive criticism, moral humiliation, a sharp defensive reaction and block conversations.

